7.2 What technology is used by CRS/FATCA One?

The CRS/FATCA One application has been developed with the latest versions of Groovy & Grails.

Groovy and Grails are two related technologies used for developing web applications and enterprise applications in the Java platform environment.

Groovy is a high-level dynamic programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It was designed to be compatible with Java and easily integrates with Java libraries and frameworks.

Grails is a web application development framework that is based on the Groovy language and follows the principles of the Convention on Configuration (CoC).

Grails is designed to simplify web application development by providing a consistent project structure and a set of predefined tools and libraries.

It uses Groovy as the underlying programming language and integrates with technologies such as Spring and Hibernate for the data access layer and transaction management.

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