5.2 What kind of reports can be generated?

Under reports there are 4 tabs. 

Reports, Detail Report, Document Report and Other information. 

5.2.1 Kind of Reports

Under Reports you can obtain: 

Summary: General Upload information. 

Audit Log: All logged Activities in this batch. Who has done what to which record and when. 

Login History: All user login attempts. Shows date and time, and Geolocation.  

Report Count By Fiscal Year: To keep track of your submitted records for CRS jurisdictions and to compare the numbers and jurisdictions over time. 

Log File: Shows system’s behavior. When the system is slow to respond please generate this Log File and submit to support@transworldcompliance.com , along with the Batch ID number, so that IT Support can assess the issue in an efficient manner. Important: there is no Client Data in this report! 

Event Logs: All analysts’ system behavior. Who deleted, who downloaded what and when?  

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** Tax Authority Portal users: Some reports might not be available for you, as they are linked to the Remediation Module. 

Interested in the Remediation Module? Please contact sales@transworldcompliance.com