1.9 I have problems with my Excel Sheet(s). What do I do?

Please extract your data as of December 31 of each fiscal year and fill it in the Excel spreadsheet (s). If you encounter any issue, please check following:


  • Please do not override the headers in row 1

  191 Sheet problem

  • Please do not rename the tab below. This must state Sheet1

192 Sheet problem

  • Columns should have cell format General (for alpha/numeric fields) or Text (for numeric fields). 
  • Any additional columns can only be added at the end. Never in between.
  • Date of Birth (DOB) column accepted input formats:
  • Do not use any formulas in the Excel sheets.
  • Check for general forbidden characters:


  • The excel sheets must be saved in Excel Workbook (*.xlsx) or CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)
  • A list of valid ISO-2 country codes can be found can be extracted.
  • Do not put N/A, dash (-) or other comments or symbols.

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