1.8 I have problems with my upload. What do I do?

Check the Status color:
  • Green = upload successful
  • Yellow = upload still processing
  • Red = an error has occurred

181 Upload Problem

1) When you get a RED Status dot, please double click the batch, so you can see the upload summary. This is a Excel Format issue.

182 Upload Problem

The “Upload Summary” screen will show a red X for any errors that may have occurred.

Click on the red X and the system will show you the results. The system will show what it expects, what the client has put in and the difference.

2) An orange triangle will appear on top of the screen for Data Issues.

 Note that the Unique ID and Entity Name or Individual’s Last Name are required mandatory fields for upload purposes, but no other field data is required. If any of these mandatory data is missing an Alert for Batch orange triangle will appear on top of the screen and notify which rows have been omitted. Same will appear if an individual has been duplicated. 

183 Upload Problem

Double click the batch, then click on the red X and the error notification will display.

184 Upload Problem

Repeat the uploading process for the different data types as necessary. 

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